Dry Seasons

This year has definitely been an interesting one for me. So much has happened from graduating college, traveling, embarking on a long distance relationship, searching for a job post college (STRESS) to experiencing the loss of a close family member. It’s definitely been a roller coaster of a year that I have to admit has taken a toll on me in not necessarily a positive way. Surprisingly, a year that I thought would have been a great one easily turned into one that has brought me to all-time lows I have never experienced before.Feeling this way practically forced me to my Bible. No one or nothing could make me feel better but somehow when I read a verse or a chapter in my Bible, I felt some sort of comfort. I’ve been on a journey when it comes to strengthening my relationship with God and it has not been easy but I haven’t given up. It all started when I realized the church I have been attending all my life wasn’t feeding me the way I wanted and needed it to, especially during this transitional stage in my life.Almost a month ago I felt convicted to start my own Bible Study group. Building my own relationship with God is more important to me than anything right now and even though I read my Bible on my own, I loved the idea of having a group where ideas and different opinions could be shared. I didn’t know who would be a part of the group but I knew it was something I needed to start that would not only help me in my journey but potentially help someone else. I reached out and now I hold Bible study at my house every Friday night.We are right now a group of 4 and so far every meeting has been eye-opening, inspiring and in some sense, as one of my group members said, “Stressful!” It’s only stressful because we end up with so many questions that only God himself could give us the right answer. None the less I look forward to our discussions on Fridays and I even look forward to reading my Bible during the week in order to prepare and bring something to the Bible study discussions. We also created a prayer request list so that every week we can pray for each other and the things that we may be struggling with or whatever it is that we just want to see God’s hand work in.  It’s literally so amazing to be around like-minded women who want to develop a deeper relationship with God and don’t mind opening up so we can help each other fulfill that purpose.I’ve always heard about “Dry Seasons”, where you’re at your lowest but I never knew what that felt like until I experienced it this year. Although it’s not fun and quite depressing I feel like it’s necessary. If I didn’t experience all that I did this year I probably wouldn’t have searched as hard as I have been to find ways to build my relationship with God. Most likely I would have made excuses of being too busy to open my Bible much less start a Bible study group. I believe that God wanted me to feel at my lowest so I could depend on Him more than I ever have before. He wanted me to build my relationship with Him so I could be prepared in the future for the rough times in my life. I know they will come whether I like it or not but as long as I have that strong foundation with Him then I could make it through anything. Sometimes the only way God can grab your attention is by shaking up your norm, testing you and making you feel like things will never get better, but best believe He is doing it for a reason and He’s preparing you for a blessing. It’s been rough but I’m learning to see the blessing in everything and starting a Bible study group was only the beginning of what God has in store for me. I’m just doing my best to be patient, praying, and waiting for God to work it all out just like He has promised. At the end of the day I always try to remind myself that this too shall pass.“ For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” – Jeremiah 29: 11-13Dress: Loft  40% off now! Bag/ Shoes: Old-xo