My Latest Struggle...

My Latest Struggle...

Don’t you guys just love these sleeves? One of the big fashion trends for this year is statement sleeves and I’m actually really feeling it! To be honest this dress would have been a regular, boring dress if it wasn’t for these sleeves. I’ll be honest again, the only reason I bought this dress were for the sleeves lol. I love simple statement pieces that are not too much but still catch your eye. I got this dress at Zara and it was a little more than I would spend on a dress from Zara (usually I wait on their sales) but the sleeves got me! They actually have a lot of statement sleeve pieces from dresses to tops if you are liking this trend. The boots I am wearing are the same ones from my previous post. They have been on rotate for the winter and will be for the spring because they are super comfy and stylish.

Now on to what I really wanted to talk about….

I just wanted to share with you all my latest struggle which has actually been one for a long time. Self confidence. Yes it may be a surprise to many of you, but I am not the most confident person. For some people it comes easy, for others it’s much harder and a work in progress. I doubt myself a lot, don’t think I am always capable majority of the time, and I am really hard on myself for a lot of things. For one, I will tell you that taking these pictures are a struggle! Sometimes I look at them and don’t see what I envisioned and I doubt myself. I get really hard on myself but I don’t give up. This blog was a start to getting out of my comfort zone and dealing with my self confidence struggle so I am not only doing this for you but I am doing this for me too. I tend to doubt what other people see in me so starting this blog was a step into channeling their vision for me into something I always wanted to do, but felt I wasn’t capable.

Everyone has different struggles and I love when I hear people talk about them. We all think certain people don’t have insecurities or struggles because of what they show. Let’s be real, each and everyone of us only put out the good things in our lives for others to see and there is no problem with that because it is only natural to reflect the positives, the good times, and the good things that happen to us. Most of the time we are not even trying to face the bad so it’s not the first or the last thing we want to share. We keep it bottled up inside until it forms a wall that you have to work twice as hard to break down.

I say embrace what ever it is you struggle with. The more you do, the easier it is for you to find a way to overcome what ever it may be. I will be the first to say that I kept this struggle bottled up inside because I didn’t want to face the reality that I lacked confidence way more than I wanted to accept, but now that I have come to terms with it all, I have been on a path to help myself overcome it. There are days where I take two steps forward and other days where I take two steps back, but I'm learning everyday not to be so hard on myself. I tell myself I am capable and I ask God to help me when those feelings start to overcome me. THERE IS POWER IN PRAYER. I remind myself of that everyday!

I say all this to remind you all that what you see is not always what it looks like. There are so many layers to a person and so many flaws behind that perfect picture.  I encourage everyone to share their struggles and insecurities more often and see how it changes you and when you see someone who does, don’t use it against them but rather encourage them, because everyone has something they struggle with or are insecure about, whether they accept it or not. If we would all stop trying to mask our true identities, we would see how closely connected and alike we really are because to be honest, we are not very different at all, we just struggle with different things.

With all that said, I want to leave you guys with a quote that I try to live by and I hope this post helps you or someone you know :)

Be you, love you. All ways, always. -Alex Elle

PS: Thank you Paula of Fashion Roulette, for inspiring me to take a huge step out of my comfort zone and be a little vulnerable in the hopes of inspiring or even helping someone else dealing with a personal struggle.
